Best Time to Visit the Uyuni Salt Flats

2024 updated information to help you choose the best time to visit the Uyuni Salt Flats! From its weeks of having a mirror-like appearance to its less crowded days, choosing the time to visit the salt flats depends on each traveler’s preferences. For this reason, Salar de Uyuni can be visited mostly all year round. […]

May 1, 2024 by Danny

5 Things to Do in Bolivia That You Can’t Miss!

Bolivia is such a diverse country full of natural wonders, mysteries, culture, and history waiting to be shown with the world. Learn everything about the most exciting things to do in Bolivia and make the most of your trip through this South American gem. Bolivia has a unique identity because of its cultural expression since […]

October 1, 2020 by Danny

Discover the Atacama Desert in Chile

Bolivia isn’t the only place with beautiful deserts and otherworldly landscapes, discover the Atacama desert, which is a few hours away from Uyuni. Learn everything you need to know about how to get there, what to do, and more! Salar de Uyuni has become one of the most significant attractions in Bolivia since its desert […]

September 9, 2020 by Danny

10 Reasons to Visit the Uyuni Desert

Salar de Uyuni is one of the most famous places in Bolivia and everyone’s favorite destination while traveling through South America. If you had any doubts, here you’ll find all the reasons why to visit this natural wonder, everything you need to know about how to get there, and tips for travelers! This region offers […]

September 1, 2020 by Danny

Easiest Way to Travel in Ecuador

Ecuador is a small country compared to its neighbors, but it’s got a lot to offer: AmazonRainforest, volcanic mountains, gorgeous Pacific coast beaches, and, of course, the incredible Galapagos Islands. So where do you start when you’re planning a trip to Ecuador? What’s the easiest way to travel in Ecuador and see the biggest variety […]

January 14, 2019 by Danny