How to Get to Salar de Uyuni From Argentina

Most people traveling from Argentina to Bolivia leave from Salta but unfortunately, there are no direct buses from here or any other major cities in Argentina to Uyuni. Though taking the route from Salta to Uyuni is not the most common way to see the Salar de Uyuni Bolivian Salt Flats, it can be a good option for travelers coming from Argentina depending on time constraints and other plans.

Salta to Uyuni

If you want to get from Salta to Uyuni, you’ll first need to get a bus from Salta to the border town of La Quiaca. From there you need to get another bus to connect to either Tupiza or Uyuni, depending on which side of the salt flats you’d like to start your tour from. If you have another bus booked in advance give yourself plenty of time to cross the border, as it is notoriously slow and frustrating. Instead, it is recommended to just buy your tickets once you’ve arrived in Villazón, the town on the Bolivian side of the border.

Some agencies offer a five or nine day tour from Salta to Uyuni in which transport, food and accommodation are included. This can be an easy and hassle-free way to to see the salt flats from Argentina. If you’re interested in also visiting Chile, another option might be to travel from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama. It’s easy to get from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama and definitely worth the trip. Not only are there many things worth seeing in San Pedro, it’s also quite easy to book a tour to Salar de Uyuni directly from there. Make sure to visit our page about San Pedro de Atacama Uyuni tours for more information about getting to Salar de Uyuni from Chile if this option interests you.